• ADF Lughnasadh ritual 2021   


    Creating the Cosmos :

    1st part :

    -Roet ez eus bet ouzh an tan, ar puñs hag ur biler, ar c’hosmos gant relegoù an Drouized.

    [Lakaet an douer er c’haoter]


    English (translation)

    - It were given by the fire, the well, and the pillar, the cosmos with hallows of the Druids

    [run water in the cauldron]


    2nd part :

    -Ma an tan-mañ, an Dour-se hag ar biler amañ dont da vezañ sakr evel an tantad, ur feunteun, hag an dervenn e Breizh.

    Setù. Krouet’meus hon c’hosmos.


    English (translation)

    -May this fire, this water and this pillar here become sacred like a tantad (father fire), a fountain and an oak tree in Brittany

    Here. I created our cosmos.


    3rd part :

    Return flow about Cosmos :

    -Bremañ, distrujañ a ran hon c’hosmos.

    An tantad ez aio un tan hepken.

    Ar feunteun ez aio an dour hepken.

    Ur biler ez aio un tamm c’hoad hepken.

    Ar vuhez zo livet e livioù sklaer evel Bifröst.


    English (translation)

    -now, i am undoing the cosmos.

    The Tantad (father fire) will be just a fire.

    The fontain will be just a water.

    The pilar will be just piece of wood.

    life is colored in shining colors like the Bifröst.


    Open the gates  lughnasadh 2021:


    1ère partie :     

    -Je suis l’enfant de toute vie, je vois jour et nuit dans le ciel le dieu au marteau.

    J’entends son message dans le vent, le corbeau gris et le merle bleu me chantent son nom.


    English (translation)

    -I am the child of all life, day and night I see the hammer god in the sky.

    I hear his message in the wind, the gray crow and the blue bird are singing his name to me.



    2 ème partie :

    -Thor puissant portier, ouvre pour notre rituel d’été les portes entre les mondes.

    *Que les portes soient ouvertes !*


    English (Translation)

    -Thor mighty gatekeeper, open the gates between the worlds for our summer ritual.


    * May the gates be open! *





    3ème partie « closing the gates »


    -Thor, écoute moi. Nous t’avons rendu un hommage sincère à toi et à notre Kindred.

    Tu t’élève dans les cieux brandissant Mjöllnir au cœur de l’été.

    Puissant portier aide moi à refermer les portes.


    *Les portes se referment !*


    English (Translation)

    -Thor, listen to me. We have given you a sincere tribute to you and our Kindred.

    You rise to the skies wielding Mjöllnir in the heart of summer.

    Powerful gatekeeper help me close the gates. 



    *The gates are closed !*


    Ecrit par Eikthyrnir Odinson pour ADF.



    « ADF Lughnasadh RitualLe livre du mois - Janvier 2021 - Itinéraire païen (Alaric Albertsson) »

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