• Prayer a Day:

    Voici certaines des prières que j'ai partager pour le programme d'échange de prières mit en place par notre vice-Archidruidesse Jane Avande en ce mois de Novembre 2022. 

    Nous pouvons aller voir sur le groupe géré par notre Vice-Archidruidesse. Ici sur ce lien  https://www.facebook.com/groups/973579286163091

    The #PrayerADay Project is a challenge started by Rev. Jan Avende to write one prayer each day during the month of November. The prayers can be on any topic or to any deity/spirit. This group is a place to share the prayers you have written and generally be part of the #PrayerADay community. We use the hashtags #prayeraday and #adfdruidry (if you’re also a member of ADF) so that people can find the prayers, whether you post them on here on Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or your social media of choice. Prayers that are shared here may be posted to the corresponding page (linked to this group) with attribution. If you’d prefer to not share your prayers here for privacy reasons, but would still like them considered for the page, please message the page directly with your prayer and desired attribution.

    Source l'A propos de la page facebook 


    Pour ce programme j'ai écrit et partager les prières suivantes:



    « Prayer a Day "2022" »

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